Subject: Beggining and End - June 27, 2009

by Malin Astner (mentor) :
The topic of Livingroom meeting 27/6 was; beginning and end, from some different perspectives. starting with the body. By giving hands and touch to one person, touch the surface, what can be the beginning and the end off your body. Giving the person in focus, help with sensing the hole of the body by being touched by the others. Second part was experience the hands simultaneously leaving and returning, this to allow the experience of how far the body's energy can extend in space. Last step was to move with the touching hands to emphasize the feeling of the space we work in. From this body-focus we continued the work with movements and sounds, where they begin and where they end. I proposed a 45 min improvisation in an "open" space, building from the elements and also the addition of phrasing. This because it arises in attention as we work with the subject of beginning/end, what is in the middle?? My experience of the improvisation, which was nice was, that I felt the group starting from a quite separate place, working with the body a bit on ones own. But then more and more we started to go into the listening and we got musicality, rhythm, phrasing and silences that where very nice. Within the listening I felt it strong enough in order to allow myself to let go of the material and the movement and give that attention to the listening and the group.

Berlin, June 29th 2009.

by Valeria Primost (host and participant)

the topic of finding the edge, the beggining and the end of the body and later working on movement as a body itself, which has a begining and an end, was extremelly interesting, because it gave the opportunity of relating simultaneusly with the beginnings and ends inside the body and with the beginings and ends outside the body. The relationship of movement as part of both the body and the space, made the body a clear place where the space continues and therefore inscribes experiences and responses to what is very simple to relate. And this experience made the interdisciplinary communication fluid and simple in all its complexity. It was easy to be aware of multiplicity because of reading it in a simple and direct way. thank you Malin!!

Berlin, July 6 2009.

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