Is a space for the practice of instant composing, where the diversity of approaches meet without hierarchies to achieve mutual enrichment among individual practices.
It is an invitation to work in a quotidian space and include quotidian issues to the conceptual, aesthetical and organic interests of the artists.
The interdisciplinary work is one of the challenges of the proposal, always meant to construct a common practice rather than to use other disciplines as accompanying tools.
After Seven Months of existence, the LIVING ROOM PRACTICE has proved to function as a potential space to generate new collaborative processes based on the sharing of practical approaches.
A place to encounter, to challenge and to develop individual and collective ideas about art, dance, music, visuals and communication.
about the practice:
flexible structure and actual questions
guide to
Writing a review
Callendar and reviews:
December 12 - SHARED MENTORING: Bring your one word!!!
with Malin Astner, Brenda Waite, Julius Holz, Roland Satterwhite.guide to
Writing a review
Callendar and reviews:
December 12 - SHARED MENTORING: Bring your one word!!!
this is the last Living Room Practice of the year and all the participants are invited to bring one word to the pot to combine with the word of others and create a celebration practice together.
CONFIRM YOUR PRESENCE!! places are limited!
November 28: Sakura Shimada (from NY) will mentor
SEPTEMBER 19: " Space Theories and City Centres " by Gabrielle Reuter
open call for reviews on this meeting!
with Brenda Waite, Malin Astner, Butz Freytag, Anne-Gaëlle, Ann-Maree Eilis, Khang Nguyen.
REVIEWS: by Valeria
with Brenda Waite, Malin Astner, Butz Freytag, Anne-Gaëlle, Ann-Maree Eilis, Khang Nguyen.
REVIEWS: by Valeria
with Julius Holz, Brenda Waite, Sarah Menger and Valeria Primost.
REVIEWS by Jessica Jobaris and Valeria Primost
with Julius Holz, Brenda Waite, Sarah Menger and Valeria Primost.
REVIEWS by Jessica Jobaris and Valeria Primost
JULY 25: ¨BODY ROOM LANDSCAPE¨ by Brenda Waite
with Jessica Jobaris, Malin Astner, Butz Freytag, Sarah Menger, Valeria Primost.
with Jessica Jobaris, Malin Astner, Butz Freytag, Sarah Menger, Valeria Primost.
no reviews yet.
June 27th 2009 on Beginning and End , by Malin Astner.
with: Sarah Menger, Valeria Primost and Butz Freytag
Reviews by Malin, Sarah and Valeria.
with: Sarah Menger, Valeria Primost and Butz Freytag
Reviews by Malin, Sarah and Valeria.
June 13th 2009 by Valeria Primost: on music and dance dialogues
with: Malin Astner, Brenda Waite, Butz Freytag, Julius Holz and Roland Satterwhite.
REVIEWS by Valeria.
with: Malin Astner, Brenda Waite, Butz Freytag, Julius Holz and Roland Satterwhite.
REVIEWS by Valeria.
May 2nd 2009, by Fabiana Capriotti: on support
with Malin Astner, Sarah Menger, Juliana Piquero, Butz Freytag, Valeria Primost.
with Malin Astner, Sarah Menger, Juliana Piquero, Butz Freytag, Valeria Primost.
March 21st 2009, by Alessio Castellaci
March 7th 2009, by Malin Astner
On: "Silence " and "three-part-game"
with Alessio Castelacci, Brenda Waite, Valeria Primost and Sarah Menger.
REVIEW by Malin.
February 7th 2009, by Valeria Primost
On: "micro view on image crystallization (and how not to do that) "
On: bounce
with Malin Astner, Anja Sielaf, Silvana Suarez Cedeño.
REVIEW1 by Valeria.
REVIEW2 by Valeria
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